Arma II: Operation Arrowhead - Mission Editor: Part 1 - New Games Point
This is a video Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead in Shapur Map with the ACE 2 mod. This video is a good exemple of how realistic the gameplay of Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead can be when you play with Realism Units. In this case I joined to play with the 15th MEU Realism Unit that i tend to play with from back in the Arma Combat Operation days. This video only show half the mission. The objective was to find out weapons cache in the industrial complex. We were at least 5 mechanize fire team working together.
Now my team mostly played a support role with the Humvee and as you will notice I actually didn't get much action from that mission but i think the exemplary team play largely compensate in intensity over the action of actually shooting enemies.
I think this video is a good exemple of how a game can be entertaining and intense without being arcade with with explosions all around.
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